Tag: Online Bachelor’s Degree

An Interview With The Dean About Kaizen Electives

Q.1: What was the philosophy behind adding electives at the high school level? Ans. We wanted to carry forward and really evolve the limits of what a high school education could offer. Doing that entails a core concept that I believe should be a fundamental part of education: “Choice”. We believe in giving students the freedom to express themselves and see their passions through and turn them into reality. A host of different electives serve to complement the traditional high school education.

Kaizen’s First Year in Review

Kaizen finds its philosophy deeply entrenched in the notion of providing a complete and holistic Liberal Arts edification through its unique Octo-Goals initiative that decorates students with the skills they will need to succeed in their academic, professional, and personal lives. Beyond the binaries of education, Kaizen gives new meaning to schooling as its curriculum encapsulates theoretical and practical electives that are rooted in Community Development, polishing Numerical Skills, facilitating Mindfulness and Physical Wellness, appreciating Aesthetic Refinement